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Peer Tutoring

Peer tutoring at Wofford is an oppurtunity for students who have successfully completed a course to aid their classmates, who may be struggling.  Meeting times and lengths are decided by the tutor and tutee.  All costs are covered by the college, allowing students to put aside any financial worries in the favor of their academics.


If you are interested in a French tutor, feel free to email: or visit their webpage here.

Meet the Tutors

The French Program currently has two approved tutors, Jessi Fuller and Solange Umugwaneza. 

Jessi Fuller, class of 2015, is an English and French double major.  She began learning French at Wofford and soon after had the opportunity to spend interim in Grenoble, France, a town nestled amidst the Alps.  A year after returning, she began to tutor French to high school students, progressing to a Wofford Peer tutor by the end of sophmore year.


She has since spent another interim in Paris, as well as a semester in the City of Lights.


In the immediate future, she hopes to pursue the Teaching Assitant Program in France.


Meet Solange Umugwaneza soon!

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